03 January 2010

New Year's Resolutions - 2010 edition

Okay, so I didn't do well on last year's resolutions. Is this really surprising? I've decided to go with a really short list this year. Are you ready?

- Lose 80 pounds
- Keep house clean for more than the length of my parents' visit
- Find and join a church
- Get married and start a family

So the last one is more of a wish than a resolution. But I am resolved to try. The good thing is if I keep the first three it will get me well on the way to achieving that wish. At least in my mind it will.

BTW, I have not had a Coke or any type of brown soda (pop? I'm from OK where a lot of us call every type of brown cola Coke) since New Year's Eve 2008. See? I kept at least one resolution. Woo-hoo!