Mom, Dad, Tam and Kyra went to Yellowstone in July and had a blast. These are some of the pics Tam took with mom and dad's digital camera. I've decided I want this camera. Not that the camera did all the work by itself. Tam is a darn good picture taker person. The buffalo in the pics tried very hard to keep my family from crossing the bridge on which he was standing. Maybe he was expecting a toll. Or maybe he was protesting the invasion of humans on his stomping grounds. Who knows? But, when it's a buffalo vs. your vehicle you should probably let the buffalo win. They can leave a pretty big spot on your paint job.

This bird is a Western Tanager. At least I think that's what Tam told me. All I know is that it's pretty. The following pic is a moose that Tam spotted. They were all playing the "Spot the Animal" game. Kyra saw a grizzly bear but because (for some reason) they decided to keep their distance the pic came out kind of fuzzy. Or maybe that was just the bear. Anyway, Tam got credit for spotting the moose but dad took the pic.

The final pic is just a pretty spot that Tam liked. She thinks it should have scripture with it. If you have any ideas please forward. She would love feedback.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures. I hope to go back to Yellowstone some day. I went when I was young (I think I was 9 or 10) and all I remember is Old Faithful. Sad, but true.
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