It was exhausting! I couldn't breathe. My knees hurt. The hills were not as small as I thought they would be and I had to carry a bike across a river that came up to my waist. It was a blast!
On August 19, my sister and I participated in the Muddy Buddy Competition. Note I did not say that we "competed". Let's get real. We didn't have a chance in the world of placing. We were there to do...and we did. For those of you who do not know what the Muddy Buddy is, it's a race involving teams of two people each. One person starts the race riding a bike and the other starts the race running. There are obstacles along the course and after you have completed said obstacle you switch to the opposite of whatever you started out doing. Tam and I had discussed this multiple times and decided (well, I said) that I was going to start off running. We changed my mind at the last minute and I'm so glad we did. Tam ended up doing most of the running.
After the first obstacle I was running along and kept looking for Tam. It took awhile for her to pass me (please understand that she had to carry the bike up a REALLY steep hill!) and when she did I asked how she was doing. She said she was ready for this to be over. She did wonderfully. Technically the person who finished the race on the bike should beat the person who is running. This did not happen. Tam finished the race running and ended up waiting on me. Sad, but true. The person to "finish" first has to stay in a waiting area and when their teammate gets there you have to run (or in our case walk) to the final obstacle...a 50 foot mud pit. This you have to low crawl through. Lovely! As tiring as it was, we can now say that we did it. Why? Because we could.
Takyra participated in the Mini Muddy Buddy and came in third place in her age group. She's a quick little bugger!